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I am interested in information tracing the genealogy of my family.  The pages on this site follow the ancestry of my grandparents with the surnames of Harper, Biedenharn, Parks and Brannen.  If you have information linking to these bloodlines (dates/locations of births, marriages, deaths; family histories; photos; primary records; etc.) I would like to compare notes.  I can be reached at:

About Fort Henderson

Fort Henderson, in Kendall County, TX, was built in 1862 by Frank Henderson.  The fort was constructed as a refuge for local farmers and their families during this time period when Comanche raids were reported in the area.  In later years it was used as a barn.  In 1937 the Fort and surrounding property was purchased by the Biedenharns and was restored as a recreation room.  In 1974 the San Antonio Conservation Society bestowed a conservation award for the maintenance and continued use of Fort Henderson.  Fort Henderson is not open to the public.

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